Resa is super dark now. Just came back from camp in bintan yesterday. i really realized how to appreciate the civilization and whatever little technology i have with me now. Bintan was not as developed as we thought it was. imagine all the resorts, spas, water sports etc etc.. but all we had at the camp was open air showers without heaters(and also without cubicles), 3 toilets for girls(2 squat n 1 sitting all without flush systems so we have to pour water into the toilet bowl)- people also bathe in them cause there are taps in them. super gross cause when you try to use the toilets the toilets are flooded half the time. tents, ok the normal camp stuff afew common toilets further away, and loads of insects(ok i am not fussing bout these cause i am not that pampered but i am super irritated by the super pampered girls who start screaming like crazy at tiny bugs). and we had to climb gunung bintan straight after getting down from the ferry. felt kinda sick while on the ferry too..But the funny thing was somehow we didn't feel as tired as going to school when we are waking up like 2hrs earlier than usual. it was super fun attacking people with water fights for no reason during the dragon boating esp. having the whole class attacking the instrustors. throwing the instructors into the resort pool after a challenge cause the instrustor threw water on us first..hehe(ok i admit it, we were not exactly following the rules of the swimming pool. we are not allowed to swim in the pool when not properly attired + there were tourists in the pool and they were s'poreans oops. the other instructors were cheering us on when we did that though..&the instructor didn't even struggle when he kenna carried over lor. cause it was the second time in the same hour that he kenna that. he was already wet anyway.XD) next was the campfire. (everyone all super high. don't know what we ate during the bbq that we all totally lost our senses. but it was super fun..) then the rain had to come to spoil the fun so we had to rush back to our tents in the rain and pack our stuff of evacuate to an indoors function room all drenched in the rain. i can tell you that being wet the whole day does not smell pretty. ¬ including the number of people drenched the whole day all squeezing into an air conditioned room. (and when we have been wet the whole day for the pass few days does not help at all thank you very much..) but well not that i am complaining for having the air con.. fell asleep almost immediately. left bintan the next day. ok but before that was packing up the tents. felt super disapointed cause we had to pack the tents of girls whom have not packed them up on their own. and they left countless personal stuff that i do not want to elaborate on inside the tents. (and the guys were there to help pack the tents too. so ashamed of these girls. and also, because of the rain, the tents had bits of mud, soil and grass when we packed it in. pity the next batch of people using these tents) well i think that i forgot to mention that me and six other girls from my class got seperated into another wave from our class so we stuck together for the first and last day of the camp. (we became kind of crazy being seperated from 112<3)so yeah we arrive at the camp as the qi xian nu and left as the same qi xian nu just darker.^^ super love my girls for sticking with me throughout the hike up the mountain and keeping me entertained during the ferry ride to make sure that i do not feel sick. (although doing the whole ipoh e tai tai cheer continously till the damn chicken dies really pisses me off. or was it their main objective.oh right... then the instructors taught us some crazy cheers and the guys that felicia keeps calling "tai tai" wrongly - real name zac told us a seriously dumb lame joke la. why does the bird fall after flying under the aeroplane? ans. cause the plane was too noisy and the bird when ahh so noisy and places its wings at its ears. dumb right?..) ok then when we reached school the qi xian nu spilt up cause i had to go home while the rest went to long john silver in North point to meet some other people from our class. i on the other hand went to mac with my parents and ate one upsize mcchicken meal, one mcspicy burger and one mcnugget meal. scary? not only that.. for dinner it was mcchicken upsized again with ice-cream. yeah!! civilisation is so good. love s'pore loads. anyway, just wanna say that i really love singapore with all of my <3)
02/03/09 11.20pm gotta go to school tomorrow and super tired from school today. as usual and we just came back yesterday& we had to GO TO SCHOOL!! WHAT SENSE IS THIS?.. promised myself not to complain but just can't help it!!
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