Mdm Ye showed us THE SECRET by jay chou during chinese period. pretty messy show but all of us refused to move out of the classroom before finishing the last few minutes of the show..haha. Physics class passed super fast and we didn't really realise it. PE was super torturous. What were we doing? the thing that i suck at the most. Dancing!!! we had to learn the ACES day dance and let me tell you this, i screwed up big time!~ my hands and legs just don't connect to my brain and i have totally no idea why..DUMB. reminds me again why i never went for hip hop enrichment after my first year in school.
RECESS!!!!!~ yum spaghetti. totally made my stomach feel great!~
emaths passed just as quickly as physics. although it was meant for us to ask Mr Chiang questions that we totally don't understand. but we ended up studying for humanities like mad. ok maybe only for me and yuhsuan.. next lesson was humanities. nothing much really happened besides the geography test. after that we started moving towards the canteen for our emaths +1. For some reason i just felt hyper and priya was like "eh other people finish test super depressed how come you so hyper?". weirdo me.. sometimes i also wonder what the heck is wrong with me. craziness i guess. emaths +1 was like the most relaxed time of the day. it was on speed-time graphs and most of us finished it within 20 mins or so. the rest of the time was spent "studying of the ss +1 tomorrow" but we ended up crapping. that's just what we do the best.
ok.. LUNCH.. YUMMY AGAIN. but really, Priya was being super irritating. she asked me to follow her to buy a drink and i thought ok.. follow her to the drink stall. But...she wanted me to follow her to the vending machine like 4-5 feet away from where we were sitting. crazy girl!~ madness i tell you. Huiwen was really feeling very sick but Priya was saying super lame stuff and made her laugh till it became abit better i guess. on the way up to amaths remedial; i was being the usual playful me and i decided to pull a prank on Geraldine. She passed me the pack of chips that silvereen bought for the both of us to share and ran off. i acted pissed and stared at her with me "POWER" glare. Her facial expression was really precious! so funny.. but being professional; i held back my laughter and just changed my tone and told her 'stop playing la'. She as expected, totally freaked out!~ silly girl thinks that i will get angry over this thing. after that, i spent the rest of the time while waiting for the teacher acting like an Ah Lian..
Amaths remedial was by far the most serios period in school. we really did our work and not spend the time slacking.but anyway, Priya returned me my thumb drive today with a few of the photos we had taken during the year.

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